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La Marina Sports Centre (Satellite)

We've just got home from a very nice evening at The Satellite Sports Centre on La Marina urbanisation. We sat outside and we had a 3 Course Sunday Roast Evening Meal for 10 euros each. For the price you get Bread & Ali oli, Starter - Soup, or salad, or croquettes. Main meal - tonight was a choice of either Beef or Pork with roast potatoes and veg, and pud......Ian had apple crumble & custard and I had ice cream with strawberry sauce (there are other choices) or if you do not want a pud you can have coffee in this price. Plus we had a bottle of wine included in the price. Brilliant !! In a few weeks time the entertainment will be outside so you can dance under the stars - how wonderful is that ?????????

La Marina

The added bonus of tonight was that we could hear WOODY singing. He was actually on at a private do next door, but it was so nice sitting outside having our meal and wine listening to him entertaining !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-06-12 20:59:59 UTC


I have asked this question a few times on forums but not many answers so I will try here. I have some friends that are thinking of moving to Spain and have asked if I feel it would be a good move, its a hard question to answer, so I would like to know what others think, If you could turn the clocks back would you still have come to Spain knowing now what it was like.

Hi,Dave! i wouldn't change a thing you know!! Well maybe one..I would have driven to Spain the first time me and my partner decided to try Spain..=) Because it's very hard here without one! Thats 1.
Second of all, do any of them have any qualification or the idea what sort of work would they be looking for, the choice of the area would depend on that. If not well they can allways try finding work at the bar or restaurant or a golf course etc..while learning spanish..They should definitely come and try it like we did.. we got some money to see us through few months here, and if we didn't make it we could allways go back..
But we did make it, and to be honest only one of them can have a good job to support a family (1200€ ish) Then if they are under 30 and want to rent theres help from government 210€! Thats very helpful! So i work, my partner is at home with 2 kids, we rent a huge flat, have a car, a dog, 2 kids-and we manage fine! I doubt we could afford all that in Uk....:)
Any more questions? I could write and write about it for ages! =) but they definitely should at least try it!

Commented Anthony in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-06-11 09:39:48 UTC

I think it would be a good move! But it all depends on their old are they, do they have any qualifications, are they coming with the kids..etc..
Need more details about them to suggest anything more structural.

Commented Lauren in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-06-11 10:48:59 UTC

I guess for us who have been here five years, and more, the adventure has taken some twists and turns, but the positive side is that when we arrived there were a lot of dead beats and so called professionals who had reinvented themselves and made a lot of money from the then innocent Brits. I only wish we had sites like this one up and running so that we were not ripped off by these vagabonds who have now milked the honey pot dry and moved on.

In answer to your question, If I could turn back the clock to that Sunday in February 2007 when I first arrived to start my new life here in Spain. I might do things differently, but I have no regrets moving here. I have seen many changes but the best part is that now the people who have stayed here and made it their home despite the hard times, are the true lovers of the spirit that is Spain.

Thank you for your posting, it will be interesting to see others point of view.

Commented campoamorlife in Campoamor 2011-06-11 12:22:42 UTC

Give them this link here are some good tips. Also they just should do a research on internet about the legalities and formalities in Spain etc..:) They should come and see for themselves!

Commented Pilar de la Horadada in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-06-11 14:06:23 UTC

Hm..interesting question, not easy to answer..Ups and downs will be everywhere, but i'd rather have my downs in Spain than in England..

Commented Natalie B. in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-06-11 14:57:34 UTC

All in all life is as hard in Spain as it is in the U.K but somehow life feels better when the sun is shining.

I will suffer in the warmth of Spain rather than the clouds of he U.K

Commented Dave Long in Rojales 2011-06-12 19:50:27 UTC


Surely the worst Formula 1 race in the history of the sport. Why did they not start the race properly and as they have stopped for nearly 2 hours, it would have made sense to stop the race completely. Why did I sit through watching people sweep the track and commentators saying the same things to pass the time. I must be going bonkers



I love the idea of the Spanish Life websites however I notice that none of them have actual information about the town/village that they cover. It would be good if there was a page where you have local information - maybe information about the town itself, phone numbers for local services such as the police, town hall and doctors etc. details of the fiestas - pages not for advertising.

If the site is about a specific area surely this is information that would be useful?


Thank you for your comments, it seems that you have missed all the post and information that has been sent out on the Daily Diary that explains the new feature that is being added to the site called "My Spanish Life"

On this feature everyone will be able to add information about the area as well as pictures and articles that they feel is relevant. The idea of A Spanish Life is to offer everyone a platform to share information and advise to others. So all will be able to add to these pages.

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2011-06-12 19:31:13 UTC

What a great idea, I am looking forward to adding lots of interesting things.
The forum is fine but its not for information its for chatting.
From what I have read would I be right in saying that we can have a topic that everyone can add to? So to take up the banner of Bev we can start a subject on local information where by we can all add to it as time goes by, so it becomes our own wikipedia. I can not wait, how long before it is on line?

Commented Dave Long in Rojales 2011-06-12 19:35:19 UTC


Well summer is finally back...

Do you have a pool ?
Do you enjoy aquacise ?

Why not have your own fitness class in your own pool with your friends and neigbours.....

Get fit for summer with my help
Very reasonable rates.. cheaper than you think.. give me a call

JPS Fitness are Fully legal, fully qualified and fully insuranced.

Give me a call

Jason from JPS Fitness
Tel: 693 596 533
Email: [email protected]

Well summer is finally back...

Do you have a pool ?
Do you enjoy aquacise ?

Why not have your own fitness class in your own pool with your friends and neigbours.....

Get fit for summer with my help
Very reasonable rates.. cheaper than you think.. give me a call

JPS Fitness are Fully legal, fully qualified and fully insuranced.

Give me a call

Jason from JPS Fitness
Tel: 693 596 533
Email: [email protected]

"Catral Custom and Cassics" Bike and Car Show

Saturday July 2nd 2011 6pm-late!
Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Tuning and Classics. Bring your classic car or bike for our FIRST major event. Fun for all the family. Free entry for all cars. Lots of Parking. Great Music.
For more info:
FOR DIRECTIONS COPY AND PASTE LINK:,+Catral,+Spain&hl=en&sll=38.148226,-0.828094&sspn=0.027988,0.058508&ie=UTF8&ll=38.162163,-0.866547&spn=0,0&z=14


Looking forward to a great day, good luck.

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2011-06-08 22:17:29 UTC

We will see you there.. picked a flyer up for it today...

Commented jason from jpsfitness in Quesada 2011-06-12 19:11:56 UTC


karaoke to night
Restaurante BAR la estasion torrevieja
Dirección: Urbano Arregui, 1 Torrevieja, Alicante 03180 España
Torrevieja, Spain
Created by:
Tony Capaldi
More info



Listen Up Singles!

Join us for a great night of Speed Dating followed by Live Entertainment at the new Asturias on the N332 Punta Prima

Lets Get This Party Started! Meet a stranger make a friend.

The Venue: New Asturias, Punta Prima

Dates To Be Arranged -

"Watch This Space"!

For more details contact:

Prue +34 693 014 337 La Siesta

Kas +34 622 033 582 Los Balcones



Listen Up Singles!

Join us for a great night of Speed Dating followed by Live Entertainment at the new Asturias on the N332 Punta Prima

Lets Get This Party Started! Meet a stranger make a friend.

The Venue: New Asturias, Punta Prima

Dates To Be Arranged -

"Watch This Space"!

For more details contact:

Prue +34 693 014 337 La Siesta

Kas +34 622 033 582 Los Balcones

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